Thank you, JD. Mine eyes have been opened like I never expected them to.

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Thanks for the correction. However, I thought that it is OK to omit the phrase "have been opened" as it is implied and in English, it is traditional to not belabor the obvious. :-)

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Picky picky. It's an appropriate expression, a figure of speech.

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Got another one.

"Sitting presidents, members of Congress, and the media, military, and medical arms of the corporatist State unapologetically advocate restraining the First Amendment, repealing the Second, and acting as if the Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth hardly exist. Almost all of them would prefer they didn’t, so they just act as if they don’t."

What part of "Congress shall make no law" do they not understand? Or do they not understand "shall not be abridged"? Or is it that picky prickly word "abridged".? The difference between an abridged dictionary of the English language and an unabridged dictionary, is that the idea of the NOT-ABRIDGED dictionary is that you do NOT take out even one little itsy bitsy word! "NO LAW" means just that, does it not? No matter how many guys in black robes or sheepsking say otherwise!

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My light bulb turned on in college in the 1960s when I went from faculty communist indoctrination (impose and equality by regime force) to realizing that...

If you can't trust people to govern themselves, they you can't trust them to govern others.

Now, add to that: So, inasmuch as you can, don't let them.

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