Will Kamala Harris Walz into the White House?
Where she came from, and why she can win.
Atlanta, GA
August 14, 2024
Looking at recent presidents and current candidates, we’ve clearly reached the fourth-century-emperor phase of terminal decline.
Which brings us to the ongoing Kamala Harris product launch, akin to marketing near-beer as fine wine. Let’s check in on the re-branding roll-out.
Credit Where It’s Due
At first glance, we give credit where it’s due. The same people (including the candidate herself) who insisted for months the decrepit incumbent was “sharp as a tack”, “never better” (behind closed doors), and that video evidence to the contrary was nothing more than right-wing “cheap fakes”, now assure us one of the more unpopular Vice Presidents of all time…who in the last election cycle couldn’t muster sufficient Democratic support to survive into Iowa and weeks ago was being dismissed by party insiders as too unappealing to replace Joe Biden…is suddenly an irresistible cultural phenomenon that can’t be stopped.
The nerve…if not the integrity…is remarkable, and reinforces just how phony are the waters in which we wallow. The defenders of “democracy” have no shame installing an incompetent for whom no one voted and who almost everyone dislikes.
By leaving Biden in office after declaring him too incapacitated to run, they’ve essentially admitted it doesn’t matter who the president is. And the person replacing him reinforces the point.
The appointed nominee is manifestly a moron…a babbling non-entity peddling dangerous dogma. As a “red diaper baby”, she’s marinated in Marxism her entire life.
Both her college professor parents were of the faith. Her father was a Jamaican economist, and her mother a cancer researcher from India. They met (when else?) in the 1960s at (where else?) Berkeley.
Both were active in the Afro-American Association, a Marxist Black Power group that openly supported Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Bobby Seal and Huey Newton were part of this organization before leaving to form the Maoist Black Panther Party.
Kamala’s father was appointed an Affirmative Action Marxist professor at Stanford University. As a teenager, she followed his ideological footsteps, becoming a campus radical at Howard. After graduating, she returned to the Bay Area.
Kamala Harris is an intellectual lightweight and a staggering ineptitude. But she’s not without feminine “charms”, which paved her path thru San Francisco politics. She found the fast lane by becoming Willie Brown’s mistress. Again, credit where it’s due.
The Man Behind Kamala Harris
But Willie Brown wasn’t the only impetus for Kamala Harris. Her election as San Francisco District Attorney (and to every subsequent office) was financed by Steve Phillips, then a good friend of Kamala’s sister and now author of the influential bestseller Brown is the New White.
Phillips had been a Marxist-Leninist law student at Stanford who later led the “League of Revolutionary Struggle” and married into the prominent Sandler family of San Francisco. He’d use their money to insinuate himself into prominent positions in the Democratic Party.
With George Soros, he launched the Democracy Alliance and PowerPAC to fund left-wing causes. Phillips urged Democrats not to waste energy attracting the ambivalent middle, but rather expend it on like-minded party members who don’t vote.
The goal was to finance registration drives targeting indolent Democrats throughout Sun Belt states. To entice disaffected voters to the polls, they recruited far-left candidates of color. The ultimate objective was to “flip the South” and destroy the Republican Party (not that it needs much help).
It worked. These efforts facilitated coalitions of “progressive” whites and traditional minorities that elected Phillips’s friend Barack Obama President of the United States.
It’s also the strategy that made Virginia violet and put Georgia in play. This is how Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum, both Phillips protégés, almost became governors of Georgia and Florida. And its because of her connection to Phillips that Kamala Harris got where she is.
To the Left of Everyone
Where exactly is that? Harris’s political positions reflect her upbringing, and her sponsors. Her senatorial voting record is to the left of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, which means it’s to the left of everybody.
But despite her obvious sympathies, Kamala Harris isn’t a “communist.” Her plan isn’t for the State to explicitly confiscate the means of production. Like any politician who ascends the upper rungs of government power, she’s a corporatist…emboldening the “public-private partnership” that rips the rest of us off.
Her bidding is of the military-pharma-financial complex that runs the show. As lead actress, her job is simply to learn her lines and look good on stage. If she proves incapable, they’ll find a replacement who can play the part.
Barring something unforeseen at the upcoming convention, that seems unlikely. She’s picked a running mate, and party pooh-bahs seem to have signed off. Only the voters were left without a say. But they don’t matter, nor seem to care.
In some sense, Harris’s candidacy reflects the cultural condition. Her intellect is insipid, and her ideas insidious. Her talent and passion is for the accumulation of power. She once bragged that
“as a prosecutor, with the swipe of my pen, I can charge someone with a misdemeanor. And by virtue o f that swipe of my pen, you will have to go to a courthouse, and stand in line. You will have to come out of pocket and hire an attorney. You may get arrested for a few hours. You will be embarrassed in your community. You will miss time from [work]. All because with the swipe of my pen I’ve charged you with a crime…which I may choose to dismiss two weeks later. It’s an incredible amount of power.”
No one this proud of wielding authority should ever have it. She’s already shown what she’d do when she does.
As California Attorney General, Harris blocked evidence to keep an innocent man on death row. She held nonviolent offenders in prison beyond their sentences, often in cruel conditions to serve as slave labor for the state. Kamala imprisoned marijuana possessors, yet chuckled when recalling how she smoked dope herself.
Impossible and Absurd
As a senator, she defended the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, even supporting a fund to bail vandals from jail. As its most prominent embodiment, she’s all-in on the DEI agenda. According to Kamala, “everybody needs to be ‘woke’.”
The idea of “equality” isn’t merely absurd, it’s destructive. But to Kamala Harris, it’s also inadequate. “Equity” must be imposed so we all end up the same. This is as despicable and awful as it is impossible and inane.
Even if everyone could magically be made “equal”, disparities would reappear the next day. Were resources evenly allocated, they would be disrupted once anyone made a decision or engaged in trade.
Only by force can “equality” and “equity” be pursued. Yet they can never be realized. But that’s OK, because the power of enforcement is really the point.
This type talk would be more concerning if Kamala Harris actually knew what it meant. But, as always, she’s simply parroting what she’s being instructed to say.
Warm Spit
John Nance Garner described the vice presidency as “not worth a bucket of warm [spit].” With a few notable exceptions (like during the Cheney Administration), Garner was right. Unless the president dies or is shoved aside, the role is relatively inconsequential.
But with her limited portfolio, this vice president did plenty of damage. As “Border Czar”, she turned the frontier into a red carpet replete with rose petals. Days before the Russian invasion, the Veep was in Europe trying to “deter” Putin by advocating NATO membership for the Ukraine.
In each case, the apparent incompetence was so astounding that the inevitable consequences almost had to be intentional.
Balancing the Ticket
It’s hard to imagine anyone more unlikable than Kamala Harris.
Until last week, when she picked a running mate as awful as she is.
Minnesota governor Tim Walz “balances the ticket” in the only ways that matter: by not having the same pigmentation or sex as the putative nominee. Otherwise, he’s almost indistinguishable.
Walz reacted to covid with vicious lockdowns and tyrannical diktats. To help detect those who dared ignore his edicts, he instituted a snitch hotline to turn Minnesotans into Stasi.
Needless to say, he enforced mask mandates and vaccine apartheid. And he did so with more severity than almost any other governor.
As Walz destroyed lives by shuttering shops, churches, and schools, he allowed looters and arsonists to go about their business. The Black Lives Matter riots, which Walz justified, started in his state. As with the woman at the top of his ticket, he used kerosine to quench the fire.
When the mayor of Minneapolis requested the National Guard be deployed to prevent a police station from being burned, Walz refused. By the time he relented the station had already been set aflame. Blocks of small businesses and homes were among the ashes.
Walz favors abortion up to (and after) birth, and lied about his military record to make us think he carried weapons in active combat.
Needless to say, he’s all-in on sexual perversion and gender weirdness. He signed a bill last year making his state a sanctuary for child sex changes, meaning out-of-state minors can be mutilated in Minnesota without their parents knowing.
This abominable law also permits politicians to remove children from parents who don’t affirm delusions that their kid is the opposite sex.
Perhaps the Harris strategy was to select a running mate who’d make her look good by comparison. In fairness, that would’ve left few options. But this pick casts further aspersions on her horrible judgment.
"One person's socialism," Walz once said, "is another person's neighborliness." He apparently thinks “neighborliness” entails robbing residents, and handing the loot to the thief’s favored friends.
Last week, after all these outrages and without a tinge of conscience or hint of irony, Walz demanded his political opponents “mind their own damn business.” No one said these people weren’t brazen.
Sinking Ship
But they shouldn’t be underestimated. As we’ve seen, their marketing blitz is stage-managed by professional agitators and political experts.
These people have no scruples, and don’t like to lose. The abetting gale of every major media, entertainment, and academic institution fills their sail. And unlike most years, this campaign need stay afloat only three months.
Most disappointing of all, tho’ the Harris ship may be a freakshow, many Americans are happy to be aboard. They went along with the covid insanity, favor “equality”, desire “diversity”, despise federalism, want guns confiscated, support abortion, demand more redistribution of wealth, think certain speech should be silenced, and are perfectly fine with cultural perversion and societal decay.
November is a long way off. It’s hard to say whether Americans will receive what they want. But there’s a good chance they’ll get what they deserve.